Wednesday, June 17, 2015


After McKay was set apart, the doorbell just kept ringing.  His friends stopped by to say a final goodbye.  Not everyone that came over are in these photos. These pictures are historical because this group of friends will most likely never be together again like this.  Big changes happen after graduation and everyone starts to go out on their own whether it be a mission, college, marriage, or something else.  They had a great time, but when it came time to say goodbye, it was hard.  Going from graduating from high school to a mission in just 12 days is not a lot of transition time.  It was hard on everyone to realize that the time had come to say their farewells for at least two years.  For most of them it will be two and half years or more because they haven't even got their calls.  A few of his friends shed tears and all of them had a big lump in their throat as they said goodbye.

With the sun came the realization that it was time to say our goodbyes.  McKay loves orange rolls and so that was what he got for breakfast.  He also needed a haircut and so he had to get up even earlier to fit that in.  The morning flew by and before we knew it, the time had come to load the car.

Mr. Cat was wondering what was going on...

Ready or not....

McKay with his Dad and bros...

With his Mom and bros...

With his parents....

We stopped by his cousin's house so they could tell him a final goodbye as well.

And then we were off to Provo.  McKay had been planning for months to have Panda Express be his last meal before he entered the MTC.  We found one in Orem and miraculously he was able to eat.  There was another family in there that was taking their son to the MTC that day as well.

We stopped at the Provo Temple to take our final pictures (WARNING!  PICTURE OVERLOAD!) and we took a lot of pictures.  But when you know that is the last time you will be together as a family for two years, that is what you do.  At least that is what I do. 
It was really hot and there wasn't a lot of shade, but they had fun anyway.

With his bros....

The time had come to say our goodbyes.  The boys said they were going to just do it at the curb at the MTC when we dropped him off.  But Mama needed to get hers in before.

Heading back to the car and then to the MTC...

The sister missionary offered to take one last photo of us at the MTC curb drop off.  We look a lot better than we were feeling.

Final hugs for two years....

And just like that...
...he was gone.
Taylor's post on Snapchat
Instagram post...   

God be with you 'til we meet again Elder Wilding...

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